Athearn Marine Agency, Inc. – Marine Brokers for Commercial Fishing Boats and Permits East Coast United States

19 Swordfish\Shark\Tuna Permits/Quotas

1. Swordfish Directed

2. Shark Incidental

3. Atlantic Tunas Longline

FILE: TS6693

$65,000 USD

Swordfish Handgear

LOA: 78 ft - HP: 924

FILE: TS6500

$59,000 USD

1. Atlantic Tuna Longline

2. Swordfish Directed

3. Shark Directed

4. Smooth Hound Shark

5. (4066lb of IBQ 2024)

FILE: TS6726

$57,000 USD

1. Atlantic Tuna Longline

2. Swordfish Directed

3. Shark Directed

FILE: TS6730

$57,000 USD

1. Swordfish Handgear

Comes with: 35 Hard Balls with LP Strobe Lights in Basket; 35 LP Lights; Basket of 4oz Weights; 2 Dart Baskets; 1 Flight Line Basket; 3 Dropper Baskets; 25lb Spool of LP 300lb Mono; 70 Yo-Yo's with Hooks and Swivels with Plastic Totes; 2 RJ Boyle Harpoons

LOA: 116 ft - HP: 2400

FILE: TS6556

$55,000 USD

1. Atlantic Tuna Longline

2. Swordfish Directed

3. Shark Incidental

FILE: TS5784

$53,000 USD

1 Atlantic Tuna Longline

2. Swordfish Incidental

3. Shark Incidental

4. Included with Permits: LP Longline Drum (Holds 28 Miles of 3/4 Full Mainline); 1,000 Snaps and 180 Dobs with Snaps; 2 Plastic Hook Boxes; 15 Low Drags; Crimper Turtle Release Tools; 9 Beeper Battery Cases

FILE: TS6279

$50,000 USD

(Also Included are 35 Pots - Rigged and Ready)

SE Region Permit: So. Atlantic Black Sea Bass Pot Endorsement (35 Traps)

SE Region: So. Atlantic Black Sea Bass Pot Endorsement for 35 traps

FILE: TS5223

$49,000 USD

1. Swordfish Directed

2. Shark Directed

3. Atlantic tuna Longline

4. (Could use buoy gear with no baselline)

5. No Bluefin Quota

FILE: TS6303


$40,000 USD

Swordfish Handgear

LOA: 72 ft - HP: 536

FILE: TS6355

$38,500 USD

1. Swordfish Handgear

2. Shark Incidental

LOA: 73 ft - HP: 396

FILE: TS5815

$35,000 USD

King Mackerel

FILE: TS6041

$35,000 USD

Atlantic Tuna Longline

Shark Incidental

Swordfish Incidental

FILE: TS6316

$22,000 USD

Atlantic Tuna Longline

Shark Incidental

Swordfish Incidental

FILE: TS6368


$18,000 USD

Atlantic Tuna Longline

Shark Incidental

Swordfish Incidental

FILE: TS6650

$17,500 USD

Atlantic Tuna Longline

Shark Incidental

Swordfish Incidental

Swordfish Incidental (2)

FILE: TS6548


$12,000 USD

1. Shark Directed

FILE: TS5718


$10,000 USD

Shark Incidental

LOA: 38 ft - HP: 330

FILE: TS6777

$6,500 USD