1. Swordfish Directed
2. Shark Incidental
3. Atlantic Tunas Longline
19 Swordfish\Shark\Tuna Permits/Quotas
1. Swordfish Directed
2. Shark Incidental
3. Atlantic Tunas Longline
Swordfish Handgear
1. Atlantic Tuna Longline
2. Swordfish Directed
3. Shark Directed
4. Smooth Hound Shark
5. (4066lb of IBQ 2024)
1. Atlantic Tuna Longline
2. Swordfish Directed
3. Shark Directed
1. Swordfish Handgear
Comes with: 35 Hard Balls with LP Strobe Lights in Basket; 35 LP Lights; Basket of 4oz Weights; 2 Dart Baskets; 1 Flight Line Basket; 3 Dropper Baskets; 25lb Spool of LP 300lb Mono; 70 Yo-Yo's with Hooks and Swivels with Plastic Totes; 2 RJ Boyle Harpoons
1. Atlantic Tuna Longline
2. Swordfish Directed
3. Shark Incidental
1 Atlantic Tuna Longline
2. Swordfish Incidental
3. Shark Incidental
4. Included with Permits: LP Longline Drum (Holds 28 Miles of 3/4 Full Mainline); 1,000 Snaps and 180 Dobs with Snaps; 2 Plastic Hook Boxes; 15 Low Drags; Crimper Turtle Release Tools; 9 Beeper Battery Cases
(Also Included are 35 Pots - Rigged and Ready)
SE Region Permit: So. Atlantic Black Sea Bass Pot Endorsement (35 Traps)
SE Region: So. Atlantic Black Sea Bass Pot Endorsement for 35 traps
1. Swordfish Directed
2. Shark Directed
3. Atlantic tuna Longline
4. (Could use buoy gear with no baselline)
5. No Bluefin Quota
Swordfish Handgear
1. Swordfish Handgear
2. Shark Incidental
King Mackerel
Atlantic Tuna Longline
Shark Incidental
Swordfish Incidental
Atlantic Tuna Longline
Shark Incidental
Swordfish Incidental
Atlantic Tuna Longline
Shark Incidental
Swordfish Incidental
Atlantic Tuna Longline
Shark Incidental
Swordfish Incidental
Swordfish Incidental (2)
1. Shark Directed
Shark Incidental
Shark Incidental